STUDENTS at Court Fields School in Wellington have celebrated raising more than £200 after taking on the Exmoor Challenge.

Four teams of four from the school entered the contest, which saw students take on a gruelling 17 mile hike over Exmoor, which was navigated using a map and compass.

Students prepared for the event with practice walks over the Blackdown Hills and Quantocks before taking on the real thing.

On Saturday, May 4, the school recorded its best ever result in the contest, when its all-girls senior team came in poll position, and a junior team placing third.

More than £200 was raised for the Rotary Club of Exmoor, which puts on the event.

A spokesperson for the school said the students were a credit to themselves and Court Fields. They said: “The students have shown remarkable team spirit, hard work and determination, - they were really great fun to be around and are a credit to themselves and Court Fields School.”