THE West Somerset Miniature Rifle League contested by Minehead and Williton Target Shooting Clubs has only two more fixtures remaining. These are for the Northrop Cup which is shot over 50 metres home and away.

The winner is the team that out performs its average the most.

The first leg was held at Minehead on the 50 metre indoor range.

At the end of the evening Williton A were fractionally closer their average than Minehead A scoring 283 compared to an expected score of 284. Minehead A scored higher with 285 but their expected score was 286. Williton B scored 274 compared to their average of 278 and Minehead B scored 261 against 268.

For Williton A, Andy Phillips scored 98 supported by Martin Grellier with 93. Minehead A’s three members all scored 95.

Graham Scoot scored 96 for Williton B whilst Andrew Moore top scored for Minehead B with 94.

The gap between Wiliton A and Minehead A is very small going in to the second leg on the Williton Range and the two B teams are not yet out of it.

The victors in the Luttrell Cup run on the same basis were Minehead B.