THURSDAY, May 9, saw the Williton four of Ian Hayes, Phil Ash, Derek Sully and Callum Harrod travel to Minehead for the opening round of the county 4s. After a slow start the Williton lads managed to win comfortably 21-12 to progress to the next round.

Saturday, May 11, saw the Williton men head to Taunton Deane to play their A team in the County League.

Things were not looking good at the half way stage with Williton trailing 25-40 but a really strong second half for Williton saw the result dramatically change. Williton turned the game around to come out on top 62-50 and 10-2 on points, Clive Penner, Andy Fish, Rich Waterman and Phil Ash winning by 13. Mick Grogan, Alan Blackmore, Roger Mitchell and Derek Sully losing by 13 and Ian Hayes, Stan Martin, Dave Middleton and Callum Harrod winning by 12.

After two games this puts Williton second in the league but they now have a four week break from the county league. Fear not, the West Somerset League got underway on Thursday and runs weekly so plenty of games to keep everyone going for the rest of the summer.