VOLUNTEERS with Watchet Coastguards have become ‘dementia friendly’ and joined the local dementia action alliance.

It follows a training session led by Margaret Tatham, of Watchet and the Quantocks Dementia Action Alliance.

Mrs Tatham said: “It was very interesting to find out about the work these devoted volunteers do.

“They have had to rescue a number of people including some who are living with dementia.”

The alliance, whose patron is the Lord Lieutenant of Somerset, covers Watchet and villages across the Quantock and Brendon Hills, an area which has one of the highest proportions of elderly residents in the country, many of whom live with dementia and other memory problems or care for somebody who does.

It supports ‘Forget-me-not Cafes’ held on Wednesday mornings alternately in Watchet and Stogursey and other services such as Watchet’s Phoenix Centre, originally the Red Cross Centre, which has led care for older people in the town and provided daily lunches with the help of teams of volunteers.

The alliance works to encourage organisations and businesses to have at least one person trained in how to be dementia friendly.

More information about activities for people living with dementia and ways to be more dementia friendly can be found on the alliance’s website here or by emailing [email protected] or contacting Margaret Tatham on 07973638030, while the email address for information about activities in the Minehead is [email protected].