WEST Somerset artist Jennifer Price is set to exhibit her 'powerful works' in Dunster.
Over the course of three weekends Ms Price's work will go in display in Dunster's Medieval Gallery, a fine art gallery housed in a former medieval inn at the foot of Dunster Castle.
Ms Price will be on hand to talk visitors through her diverse exhibit, with visitors extended a welcome to drop in and learn about her work, no appointment needed.

Curator at the Medieval Gallery, Steven Beer, praised the 'power' of the exhibit, saying: "Ms Price is an exceptionally talented artist, who specialises in Neo-pagan art. Her art is incredibly life-affirming and powerful, dense with symbolism and the canvases she paints are in places sculpted rather than just painted. There is nothing else like them.
"Using acrylic paints she has created various crystals and smokey quartz which jump out from the canvas. And it's all done with paint - it's quite astonishing and very clever."
The event will run over three weekends, on October 28 and 29, November 11 and 12 and November 25 and 26.