Firearms officers were deployed on Sunday as Avon and Somerset Police responded to a report of axe wielding vandals at the Minehead railway station.

Local officers were supported with back-up from Taunton, firearms and dog units. The police response came after a member of the public made a 999 call reporting three suspects causing damage to the railway.

The suspects were reported to have been causing damage to the railway carriages, and of being in possession of an axe. The West Somerset Railway has reported damage to 'a number of rail vehicles' including smashed windows, interior damage, broken locks and damaged doors.

The Police have confirmed that three individuals were detained and arrested on suspicion of criminal damage.

Damage caused by vandals on Sunday at the Minehead railway station
Damage caused by vandals on Sunday at the Minehead railway station (West Somerset Railway)

In a statement released on social media the West Somerset Railway expressed their disappointment at the incident.

A spokesperson for the railway said: "It is disappointing to report that a number of rail vehicles have been damaged in the sidings at Minehead station."

"Following a report by a nearby resident to police, the police apprehended and detained three individuals.

West Somerset Railway General Manager Kerry Noble said: "We are very grateful to the nearby resident who reported this activity, and to the police for responding rapidly and taking the appropriate action."

"We will be working hard to ensure the vehicles are back in use again as soon as possible."

Avon and Somerset Police have confirmed that investigations are still ongoing.