WEARING their brightest clothes, a Minehead family will spend an afternoon next month being showered with coloured powder paint, glitter and masses of foam on an obstacle course around Taunton racecourse - to show their gratitude for the help they have received in their darkest hours.

Elaine and Stuart Thorne lost their daughter, Kayleigh, to terminal cancer in the summer of 2021 and young granddaughters Mollie and Mia lost their mother. Since then, they have been helped to start putting their world back together by the St Margaret’s Hospice family support team. Now they want to say thank-you...

On Saturday, May 20, Elaine, Stuart, Mollie and Mia will take part in the hospice’s Colour Run Remix to raise funds to support more patients and their families.

Participants in the highly colourful fun run will hope to raise at least £50 each through sponsorship to finance more family sessions with specialist counsellors.

Kayleigh Thorne
Kayleigh Thorne (Family photo)

“I honestly don’t know what we would have done without the St Margaret’s team,” Elaine said. “Now as life starts taking on its new normal we are learning to live without Kayleigh.

“There isn’t a day when we don’t miss her, but thanks to the support of St Margaret’s, things are slowly getting easier.”

Kayleigh was just 33 when she died, surrounded by her family in August, 2021, and St Margaret’s hospice has continued to support Elaine, Stuart, and the girls as they’ve navigated their way through their shock bereavement.

“Even now I just can’t believe that I am never going to see Kayleigh again,” Elaine said. “I’m trying to cope with my grief and help Mia and Mollie with theirs. Some days are easy, and some days are hard. It’s a rollercoaster.”

“Mia and Mollie have also attended two-day groups where children whose parents or siblings have been cared for by St Margaret’s can come together to remember their parents. The girls met other children in similar situations, which really helped them.”

Elaine added: “We are starting to look forward to things again, including the Colour Run Remix! When I told the girls, they were so excited.

“It looks like a great opportunity for a family day out, remembering our wonderful Kayleigh and raising money so that other families in our position will receive the care and support they need. It’s just a great way for us to say thank you.”

Entry costs £18 for adults and £13 for children and this year’s event is being sponsored by Mogers Drewett, solicitors. Everyone will enjoy a fun warm up before taking on the colourful course, passing through coloured paint, glitter and foam.

For more information about the Colour Run Remix visit www.st-margarets-hospice.org.uk/colour-run-remix