AS WE all know this last winter has been the wettest for many years and many competitions on Thursdays have not been competed for as it has either poured with rain or blown a gale.

Sometimes, you can get both, and such weather conditions have made it very difficult to stage competitions - and if they have been played it has not always been enjoyable.

On the 4th April the Poyntz Cup was competed for at Minehead and West Somerset Golf Club, a Stableford competition. The winner was Jennifer James with 29 points, on count back from Ginnette Bowyer with 29 points, on count back from Sarah Hill with 29 points.

On the 11th, the competition was for the Australian Spoons, a pairs competition and the winners will go through to the Area final, but ladies can enter between then and the closing date. The winners are Ginnette Bowyer & Sarah Hill and they will go forward to Cumberwell,Wiltshire on the 17th June.

On the 18th  it was a lovely day with sunshine and a gentle breeze and the club was host to the Somerset Ladies Golf Association for a county competition for the Fowler Broaches.

This is a pairs competition, 4 Ball Better Ball. The winners were Tricia Grinter Minehead) & Ruth Ball(Minehead) with 36 points, 2nd were  Irene Dickinson (Enmore) & Beverley Broad(Webmore) on 35 points on count back from Lesley Davis(Minehead) & Annette O’Hare(Minehead). On count back 4th were Susan Solomon(Burnham) & Mary Bolton(Burnham). 5th were Amanda Maye(Saltford) & Gillian Brown(Burnham) on 34 points on count back 6th were Joanne Wyatt(Enmore) & Shanni Whisler(Enmore) on 34 points.

This means that Tricia and Ruth won the Fowler Broaches and Minehead won the Cup for best club score in the competition.

On the 25th it was a medal competition for the Wimbush and Junior bowl. The Wimbush Bowl is for Ladies with a handicap of 20 and under. The winner was Deano Carlin with 89 – 15 = 74, 2nd was Sarah Hill with 96 – 20 = 76, 3rd was Tricia Grinter with 96 – 19 = 76. The Junior bowl is for Ladies with a handicap of 21 and over, the winner was Karen Davies with 96 – 22 = 74, 2nd was Pat Lucas with 111 – 33 = 78, 3rd was Annette O’Hare with 104 – 23 = 81.

The annual Salver matches, played between Enmore, Taunton and Minehead’ were due to be played earlier in the month at Enmore but had to be cancelled as all the rain had meant not enough holes were open. Another date had been chosen, but, again bad weather meant it was cancelled and so has been abandoned for this year.

Ingrid Swinburn