Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending May 10:


3/05/24/003 Listed Building Consent Various internal and external alterations, Kildare, Vicarage Road, Carhampton, TA24 6NR.


3/21/24/032 Variation of conditions, Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 3/21/24/011, The Seahorse Resource Centre, Stephenson Road, Minehead, TA24 5EB.

3/21/24/033 Variation of conditions, Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 3/21/23/015, 68 Marshfield Road, Minehead, TA24 6AJ.

Applications can be inspected on the council’s website or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.

Planning applications received by Exmoor National Park Authority in the week ending May 10:


6/9/24/006LB Exmoor National Park Authority, exmoor House, Dulverton, TA22 9HL, Application Under Regulation 3 of The Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992 for Listed building consent for the proposed Internal rearrangement to reception area, 4 no. outdoor signage and installation of defibrillator, Mr D. James, Exmoor National Park Authority.


6/13/24/002 Land North of Chibbet Post, Exford, Proposed erection of steel framed livestock building and minor alteration to the field access. Retrospective. Mr R. Vigars 2, Tudballs, Exford, TA24 7PT.


6/14/24/002 Horsen Farm, Simonsbath, TA24 7LG, Lawful development certificate for an existing agricultural building, Mr R. Rowe.


6/27/24/005DC Woodland Plot, Land to the east side of Villes Lane, Porlock, TA24 8NW, Discharge of conditions 5 (CEMP), 13 (erection of enclosures), 15 (landscape management plan), 22 (access/driveway details) and 23 (watching brief) of approved application 6/27/22/117, Mr and Mrs Senior.

A copy of applications including all plans and other documents submitted can be viewed at by following the links from the planning page to the planning application search section and inserting the application number. Alternatively, applications can be inspected during normal office hours at Exmoor House, Dulverton.