SIR — I thought the letter from Lesley Evans (Free Press August 19) was the most sensible correspondence ever to grace your letters page. She speaks for the silent majority who daily have to face speeding cars along our beautiful country roads. Sadly these are not usually visitors but local people who seem to think that treating our roads like a race track shows how clever they are. Do they not realise that the motor vehicle is the most dangerous weapon we have to face on a daily basis? Where are young people out on bicycles exploring the countryside? Where are groups of children setting out for a picnic? Where are the elderly and infirm? Is it safe to ride a horse along our country lanes without receiving abuse from the speeding motorist? We are increasingly confined to our cars and houses because it is unsafe to negotiate our roads. I fear obesity is not just that children spend too much time in cars and in front of TV and computers - but that it is just not safe to pursue outdoor activity safely. Next time speeding motorists go out in their cars, perhaps they will spare a thought for the silent majority - by breaking the law you will probably only save five minutes on a half hour journey but risk maiming or killing a person or animal and causing misery to countless other people. West Somerset police have helped our community by setting up Community Speedwatch in our hamlets. We regularly face abuse from speeding motorists who seem to think it is their right to drive at whatever speed they like irrespective of speed limits. To those drivers who respect our right to walk on the road which is the public footpath between Yarde and Woodford in safety, thank you. Name and address supplied.