WEST Somerset MP Ian Liddell-Grainger is hopeful last-ditch discussions may save two recycling centres from closure.

Somerset Council wants to close facilities in Williton and Dulverton, and three others in the county, as it tries to resolve a financial crisis.

It faces a £100 million budget gap which could force bankruptcy.

But Mr Liddell-Grainger said discussions with the recycling sites’ operator could result in a way being found to keep them open.

He said: “Losing either of these centres would be a huge blow to hundreds of local families who would face lengthy journeys to alternative disposal sites.

“At a time when we are supposed to be minimising car travel and recycling as much as we can, this is going in completely the wrong direction.”

Mr Liddell-Grainger has met council leader Cllr Bill Revans and senior officials to discuss the issue and said the authority was doing its utmost to avoid the closures.

He said: “I have nothing but praise for the council’s approach, it is going to have to make some pretty horrible decisions in an attempt to avoid going bankrupt.

“When hundreds of jobs are likely to be lost, the fate of recycling centres may seem like a minor issue.

“But the council is taking it very seriously and my hope is after meeting with the operators some solution may be agreed.”

A public meeting on the issue is being held in Dulverton on February 27, while Williton and 11 surrounding parish councils have jointly voiced their opposition.