MINEHEAD Town Council has expressed support ‘in principle’ for a new bus shelter on the seafront outside the West Somerset Railway Station.

But instead of progressing the idea itself, it deflected a proposal by bus campaigner Linda Sparks by calling first for Somerset Council to give its backing.

Town clerk Ben Parker said the scheme ‘aligns with our commitment to respecting and serving the needs of the local community’.

Mr Parker told Ms Sparks: “I appreciate your efforts in campaigning for a bus shelter outside the train station.

“Before we can add this to our agenda for further consideration, we need to ensure all necessary health and safety implications are thoroughly assessed, given the busy road junction and narrow pavement where the bus stop is located.

“To proceed with this proposal, we would welcome a letter of support from Somerset Council’s highways department, along with a detailed specification outlining the proposed design, dimensions, and placement of the bus shelter.”