A WILDLIFE tragedy has been witnessed at the Hinkley Point B nuclear power station, which is currently undergoing decommissioning.

Peregrine falcons have bred on a high platform at the station for several years where they are protected from human interference and monitored by security cameras.

But this year there was a dramatic twist when the cameras recorded one of two peregrine chicks being killed and eaten by its mother and sibling.

Hinkley B environment group head Hannah Dyer said: “Because of the position of our security cameras we can keep an occasional birds’ eye on our feathered friends.

“The platform on the side of the reactor hall has been a good spot for the birds over the years even though we have not had the breeding successes we had hoped for.

“A few weeks ago, we were delighted to see the eggs that had been laid had hatched and we had healthy youngsters to admire.”

Ms Dyer said power station staff had delighted in watching the growing birds until things took ‘a dark turn’.

She said: “I came to work one day last week and was told the mother and one of the other chicks had turned on the smaller bird and eaten it.

“I do not know why.

“Maybe food was scarce, maybe it was unhealthy.

“The remaining bird appears to be growing well and we think it will not be long before it fledges and leaves Hinkley for good.

“Whatever happens next it has already been an exciting breeding season.”