A GIANT dragonfly appeared in Selworthy Parish Church for its flower festival over the August Bank Holiday weekend, settling in a quiet corner on old heating pipes.

It was one of many creative and colourful arrangements on display in the Exmoor church.

The festival theme of ‘wings’ also included a Flower Fairy at the altar, Icarus, On the Wings of a Dove, and numerous presentations, some bold like Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and others subtle.

They all brought a rainbow of colour, particularly the dahlias grown less than a mile away at Tivington Farm School, complemented by roses, golden rod, sunflowers, peonies, hydrangeas, gerbera, aliums, rebeckia, and the most unusual kangaroo paws.

A constant stream of visitors benefited from afternoon performances by Stephen Godfrey on the organ, The Boars Head traditional instrumentalists on the harp, flute, and hammer dulcimer.

There was also a Songs of Praise service on Sunday with the Friends in Harmony singers leading an enthusiastic congregation.

Refreshments were provided throughout with funds and donations going toward the maintenance of the ancient church.

The organisers thanked the many volunteers who contributed to a fruitful social occasion bringing visitors and the local community together in celebration of flowers and nature.