Coronation Day was celebrated in full style at Dunster First School. The children turned up to school wearing the colours of the Union Flag, red white and blue.

The day began with a special Coronation assembly where the children learnt lots of facts about the coronation and witnessed the coronation of a ‘stand in King’ from Year 2! The coronation assembly was followed by the children returning to class to take part in coronation activities. Lots of different areas of the curriculum were covered and some fabulous art and DT work was produced.

The day culminated with the children of the school been presented with a special personalised Coronation Mug which was presented by Carol Ell on behalf of the Parish Council. Carol said: "It was wonderful to be asked into assembly this morning and to be able to present these special mugs to the children of the Village. The Parish Council were delighted to organise the mugs for the school, it is lovely to work together."

Paul James, Head of School, said: “The children had a wonderful Coronation Day, a true moment of living history. The school are really thankful to the Parish Council for organising these unique Coronation mugs - the children were delighted with them.”