BICKNOLLER Flower Show Committee has thanked everybody who helped to make the spring flower show so successful.

There were more than 70 daffodil entries in green wine bottles.

The display of plants in bloom and the 10 beautiful camellias were outstanding.

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Visitors admire some of the blooms in Bicknoller's spring flower show.

Special thanks go to judges Chris Yates and Daphne Criddle, and to Clive Raisey for presenting the four trophies.

All the hard work of the committee, especially Sarah Summers, Kate Harrison, and Sally Morrison, made everything run smoothly.

Thanks were also given to Andrew Harrison for all the photographs.

Results in full

Class winners 2024 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Highly commended)


Class 101 3 stems any variety -Mrs A Allen, Lucy Croxton, Kate Harrison, J Coatesworth; Class 102 3 trumpet - Lucy Croxton, Christine Chaplin; Class 103 1 trumpet - Mrs A Allen, Carole Darke, Kate Harrison; Class 104 3 large-cupped - Kate Harrison, Sally Simpson, Lucy Croxton; Class 10 1 large-cupped - Lucy Croxton, Kate Harrison, Sally Simpson; Class 106 3 small-cupped - Carole Darke, Lucy Croxton, Christine Chaplin; Class 107 1 small cupped - Lucy Croxton, Sally Simpson, Christine Chaplin; Class 108 3 double - Christine Chaplin, Lucy Croxton; Class 109 1 double - Mrs A Allen, Lucy Croxton, Carole Darke; Class 110 3 multi-headed - Kate Harrison, Jane Coatsworth, Lucy Croxton, C Chaplin; Class 111 3 miniature/rockery - Lucy Croxton, Christine Chaplin, Sally Simpson; Class 112 3 other divisions - Lucy Croxton, Mrs A Allen, Sally Simpson.


Class 113 3 muscari - Carole Darke, Lucy Croxton, Sally Morrison; Class 114 1 tulip - Jane Coatesworth, Kate Harrison, Sally Morrison; Class 115 1 hyacinth - Lucy Croxton, Sally Simpson; Class 116 1 camelia - J Coatesworth, Lucy Croxton, Kate Harrison, Sarah Summers; Class 117 6 hellebores in bowl - Lucy Croxton, Kate Harrison, Christine Chaplin, Chris Leigh; Class 118 1 A O flower - Lucy Croxton, Sally Simpson, Kate Harrison; Class 119 1 stem shrub - Christine Chaplin, Michele Sears, Alison Turner, Kate Harrison.


Class 201 Spring plants - Sally Simpson, Sally Morrison, Sarah Summers; Class 203 Plant in bloom - Sally Simpson, Kate Harrison, J Coatesworth, Sarah Summers.


Class 301 Delightful Daffodils - Christine Chaplin, Sally Simpson, Sarah Summers; Class 30 Terrific Tulips - Christine Chaplin, Sarah Summers, Sally Simpson; Class 303 Treasures in wine glass - Michele Sears, Sally Simpson, Christine Chaplin, Sarah Summers.




The Clifton Trophy for overall highest number of points: Classes 101-203 - Lucy Croxton; Mrs E Darke Trophy for most points in Floral Art classes - Christine Chaplin; Trophy for best bloom - Sally Simpson; Trophy for Best Vase of 3 daffodils – Lucy Croxton.