MINEHEAD Cycling Club members were in action at the fifth round of the South West Cyclocross series at Torbay.

The course was wet and slow, a soggy mix of grass and mud making it hard work on every inch of the races. In a rare interlude of sunshine, Louise Crossman

continued her domination of the Women's V60 class. Stephen Crossman negotiated the tricky off camber sections well to bag seventh (V60).

The ride of the day was David Bray (4th V60), who powered through the running sections but still had the finesse to get through the tight slippery turns of the technical sections.

Scott Ellwood's race ended prematurely with a puncture. He said afterwards: "That's so frustrating, I felt good and was enjoying the race, my class is very competitive and I hoped for a good result. I'm looking forward to the next round.”