WELLINGTON Khaki Sox began the defence of their 2023 Baseball Championship title against the Truro Blue Jays on Sunday. The day started in glorious sunshine and the Khaki Sox welcomed the Mayor of Wellington Janet Lloyd to start the season with a Ceremonial Opening Pitch.  Starting pitcher Damien Goodall began the game strongly by holding Turo to zero runs off 2 innings.  With the Khaki Sox displaying some strong batting, they set a lead of 8 runs in those 2 innings.  With a change in fortune, Truro Blue Jays came battling back scoring 3 and holding the Khaki Sox to just 1 run at the bottom of the 3rd.  Damien regained control from the mound, holding the Blue Jays scoreless in the 4th and 5th. The Khaki Sox stamped some authority on the game by replying with 5 runs in the bottom of the 5th.   Second pitcher Alex Roberts stepped up at the beginning of the 6th, seeing out the game with Truro scoring a further 3 runs. The Khaki Sox continued to bat well and scored another 6 runs, with Jamie Pollard’s towering hit missing out on the season’s first home run by inches.  Wellington Khaki Sox took the win with a final score of 20–6.  I