BELL ALL Stars have won the Premier League title in the Watchet & District Skittles League after a match winning score of 122 from Warren Knight led them to a 60 pin home victory over their nearest rivals Allsorts whose Shane Coxhead hit 104.

A score of 128 from Jacks Andy Pyne gave them a 11 pin away win against Phoenix Knights who had Conner Jeromson hitting a top of the alley 134. Three Ferrets' Tyrone Ash knocked 112 in their 24 pin away win over Combwich Otters with Alan Higgins hitting 101 for the hosts.

In Division A Chris Weetch with 106 led White Horse Stallions to a convincing 45 pin home win over Has Beens whose Tony Clausen and Jon Wilkinson knocked 97 apiece and Shane Yaw scored102 for Railway Steamers in their 38 pin home victory over Outsiders, with Richard Butt, and Martin Nurton both scoring 92.

Division B leaders Barn Owls had Dean Marchant scoring an impressive 118 in their 79 pin home win over second placed Dungbeetles whose Aaron Kendall scored 119 and 106 from Quantock Stag's Graham Bolt led them to a 41 pin away win over Wyndham Pinheads, Dan Biggs hitting 91 for the hosts. Skipper Michael Shopland scored a noteworthy 115 for Footy Fockers as they overcame Dizzy’s Boys by 61 pins, Pete Mather and Mark Mossman knocking 89 apiece for the Boys.

Results - Premier Division: H’Ford Harriers lost to QC Guys; Bell All Stars 616 (Warren Knight 122), Allsorts 556 (Shane Coxhead 104); Phoenix Knights 693 (Connor Jeronsom 134), Jack 704 (Andy Pyne 128); Combwick Otters 555 (Alan Higgs 101), Three Ferrets 579 (Tyrone Ash 112); Bottoms Up 630 (Nathan 117), Castaways 620 (Steve Duck 121). DivisionA: WH Stallions 581 (Chris Weetch 106), Has Beens 536 (T Causen, J Wilkinson 97); R’way Steamers 557 (Shane Yaw 102), Outsiders 519 (R Butt, M Nurton 92); Rams 480 (Leigh Davis 89), Williton Club 543 (Brian Bellamy 100). Division B: Wadhami Pinheads 10 (Dan Biggs 91), Quantock Stags 551 (Graham Bolt 106); Dizzy’s Boys 498 (P Nather, M Mossman 89), Footy Fockers 559 (Michael Shopland 115); Badgers 537 (James Kedogh 109 ), Legion Specials 494 (Dave Perkins 90); Barn Owls 601 (Dean Merchant 118), Dungbeetles 522 (Aaron Kendall 119).

Premier Division


Bell All Stars 23 11 9 0 3 48

Allsorts 23 9 7 1 6 39

QC Guys 23 10 6 0 7 36

Jack 23 7 7 0 9 33

Castaways 23 7 5 0 11 27

Bottoms Up 23 5 5 0 13 25

Three Ferrets 23 6 5 0 12 25

H’Ford Harriers 23 4 1 1 17 12

Combwich Otters 22 5 0 0 17 10

Hoeing Knights 22 3 1 0 18 8

Division A

WH Stallions 23 10 6 0 7 38

Rebels 23 9 6 0 8 36

Williton Club 23 6 7 0 10 33

Rail Steamers 23 8 5 0 10 31

Has Beens 23 7 5 0 11 29

Outsiders 22 8 2 0 12 22

Dark Horses 23 5 4 0 14 22

Rams 22 1 2 0 19 8

Division B

Barn Owls 23 12 8 0 3 48

Dungbeetles 23 10 6 0 7 38

Wyndham Pinhead 23 6 7 0 10 33

Quantock Stags 23 5 6 1 11 29

Footy Fockers 23 5 6 0 12 28

Badgers 23 7 4 0 12 26

Dizzy’s Boys 23 3 3 0 17 15

LegionSpecials 23 2 1 1 19 8