A PLANE crazy charity challenge has taken Hinkley Point B’s fund-raising to dizzying new heights.

Hinkley B station director Mike Davies was strapped to the top of a Boeing Stearman biplane to fly over the fields of Gloucestershire earlier this month.

The airborne antics were in aid of Prostate Cancer UK – EDF’s corporate charity partner – and has raised £3,000 for the fund.

It took the total raised for the charity by the Hinkley B team to more than £50,000, making the station the top contributor across the whole of EDF.

Mike, who lives near Bridgwater, said: “Over the years lots of people I know have done amazing things to raise money for our charity partners.

“There have been charity rows, mountain climbs, and even folks throwing themselves out of aeroplanes.

Mike Davies, from Hinkley Point B, preparing for a wing walk stunt on the biplane seen in the background to raise money for a cancer charity.
Mike Davies, from Hinkley Point B, preparing for a wing walk stunt on the biplane seen in the background to raise money for a cancer charity. (EDF)

“I knew that if my efforts were going to help raise important donations and awareness I would need to consider something a little out of the ordinary.

“Standing on top of an aeroplane certainly fits that bill.

“I cannot quite believe I have done it.

“It was, unsurprisingly perhaps, a little hair raising and I would be lying if I said the thought of it had not kept me awake at night, but it was a truly amazing thing to do and I am glad my derring-do has helped swell the charity’s coffers a little.”

Hinkley Point B staff presenting a massive donation to Prostate Cancer UK.
Hinkley Point B staff presenting a massive donation to Prostate Cancer UK. (EDF)

Dave Stokes, who helps to co-ordinate the charity activity on site, said: “Our teams at Hinkley Point B are always up for a challenge and every time the company works with a corporate charity partner we go the extra mile.

“But this time we have been absolutely staggered at how our teams and individuals have dug deeper than ever before to both fund-raise and contribute.

“We are both proud and grateful.”

Since EDF launched its four-year partnership with Prostate Cancer UK in January, 2020, the company has raised more than £563,270.