A TEA party will be held on Friday (May 17) for pupils and staff of a West Somerset school to celebrate two successful education inspections in the space of two working days.

First, Ofsted inspectors gave a ‘good’ rating to St Peter’s Church of England First School, Williton, closely followed by an Anglican Church-based inspection heaping praise on it.

Chairman of governors at St Peter’s, Hayley Lake, said: “I am delighted to read reports that truly recognise the hard work and dedication of every member of staff and just how wonderful the children at St Peter’s are.”

Ofsted lead inspector Leanne Thirlby said there had been a considerable period of positive change since the 2022 inspection of the school, which has 110 pupils aged four to nine years.

Ms Thirlby said: “The school is now in a position of much greater stability.

“Appropriate and well-considered actions have led to improvement in the learning and behaviour of pupils.”

She said pupils were enthusiastic about the school and what they learned and strived to meet teachers’ high expectations of them in their learning and conduct.

Ms Thirlby said the school had designed an ‘ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum’ which began in the early years.

Another key strength was provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) whose needs were ‘well understood and met effectively’ through expertise of staff.

The inspectors noted children had a good understanding of the concepts of fundamental British values and embodied them through daily school life.

Ms Thirlby said: “Pupils appreciate the need for equality, respect, and tolerance of others’ beliefs and differences.”

It was also an area highlighted as a strength in the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report, which said pupils were ‘valued as individuals and their emotional development, spiritual wellbeing, and mental health is cared for’.

SIAMS inspector Gill Jackson also recognised there was effective provision for all learners including those with SEND.

Ms Jackson said St Peter’s provided strong pastoral care, based on values derived from its Christian vision, which led to positive support for the mental and spiritual health of pupils and staff and extended to families and the wider community.

Headteacher Maida White said: “We are delighted with the outcome of both inspections, which reflect the hard work and dedication of the whole school community.

“We are especially proud of our early years offer and the way in which all children are supported so they can flourish, despite some of the challenges they may face.

“We are pleased the inspectors recognised these as areas of strength.”

Beacon Education chief executive Robert Lakin said he was proud of the reports, which were a clear indication of the hard work and dedication of Mrs White and her staff, and particularly pleasing because Williton was in what was called a ‘Priority Education Investment Area’.

Mr Lakin said: “St Peter’s is a good school, that is well led and managed by Mrs White, her team work tirelessly for the community they serve.”