CAR parks and other areas on Exmoor owned by the national park authority (ENPA) are being sown with wildflower seeds to boost wildlife and support pollinators.

Volunteers have been supporting authority staff by sowing seeds and planting plug plants in places such as Tarr Steps, Haddon Hill, Ashcombe, and Exford.

They have also been busy scything grassland at Ashcombe Gardens, near Simonsbath, and sowing the patch with wildflower seed.

It is part of a wider ENPA initiative called ‘Exmoor’s Sowing the Seeds Project’ to restore wildflower meadows.

ENPA Sowing the Seeds project officer Lucy Cornwall said: “We thought making our public spaces bloom with wildflowers is a wonderful way to show that even a small space can be a habitat for wildlife, and a lovely way to greet our many welcome visitors to Exmoor.

“As well as projects on our own land, we have been working with 64 landowners, schools, and community groups to restore, rejuvenate, and create wildflower meadows across more than 890 acres.

“We are setting up a wildflower nursery to propagate meadow plant species and become a community growing hub.

“Diversity of plant species benefits everything in the ecosystem from insects to soil.”

Ms Cornwall said 97 per cent of wildflower meadows had disappeared since the 1930s.

She said: “We would love to hear from anybody interested in meadow creation at any scale, from back gardens to farmland fields.”

Donations to the Exmoor charity fund CareMoor also support work to create and restore species-rich grasslands.