A Wiveliscombe resident died of an accidental drug overdose after buying opioids from a site on the 'dark web', an inquest heard.

Leanne Ellen Allen, aged 32, who was transgender, was found dead at home in Russells, which lies close to the town’s St Andrew’s Parish Church, on the morning of June 7 last year.

Ms Allen was born in Newcastle as a male with the name Steven John Smith, but also went under the name Steven John Parker.

Somerset assistant coroner Stephen Covell, sitting in the Old Municpal Buildings, Taunton, heard evidence that Ms Allen’s cause of death was ‘acute toxicity of etonitazepyne’.

Etonitazepyne, a benzimidazole derivative with potent opioid effects, is often sold over the internet as a ‘designer drug’ and has been linked to many cases of overdose.

Opioids produce morphine-like effects and are used in medical healthcare settings for pain relief and anaesthesia.

‘Acute toxicity’ suggested Ms Allen had taken the drug and suffered an ‘immediate’ fatal effect.

Mr Covell said: “The deceased died as a result of the unintended toxic effects of a non-prescription synthetic opioid obtained from the dark web.”

He concluded Ms Allen’s cause of death was ‘drug-related’.