It is being reported that Stanley Johnson is one of around 100 people nominated for a knighthood by his son and former Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Mr Johnson senior, a former member of the European Parliament who lives near Winsford, on Exmoor, could soon be Sir Stanley Johnson, according to a report in the Times Newspaper.

The former PM has come under fire over reports he is planning to make his father a knight. Speaking on LBC radio the Labour leader Keir Starmer said: "The idea that Boris Johnson is nominating his dad for a knighthood - you only need to say it to realise just how ridiculous it is."

Stanley Johnson's home in West Somerset is in the constituency of Conservative MP Ian Liddell-Grainger, who declined to comment on the knighthood reports.

ITV News reported a spokesperson for Boris Johnson said they would not comment on issues relating to honours.

Although Boris Johnson left office last year, as a former Prime Minister he is entitled to use his powers of appointment to draw up a resignation honours list.

On leaving Downing Street an outgoing PM can make recommendations to the monarch about knighthoods, appointments to the House of Lords, and about other honours.

Although the monarch bestows the knighthood, they do not have the practical power to refuse a nomination. In this sense the PM's recommendations are as good as appointments.

The practice of compiling a resignation honours list is a British political tradition dating back to the resignation of Lord Rosebery in 1895.

The issuing of a resignation honours list is a contentious topic, often fraught with controversy, and few have been more controversial than Boris's.

The list is being taken so long to be approved - with peerages having to be checked by the The House of Lords Appointments Commission - partly because of its large size. For comparison David Cameron nominated 46 individuals for honours in his list, less than half of what Boris is reported to be planning.

It has also been reported that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is concerned about the list creating difficulties for his government, inviting accusations of cronyism and corruption. Those fears will likely not be assuaged by Boris's reported decision to nominate his dad for a knighthood.