A specialist clinic dedicated to caring for twins during pregnancy is celebrating a milestone after caring for more than 100 sets of twins.

Parents of twins and their children came together to celebrate the clinic's second birthday this summer.

The clinic is led by consultant gynaecologist and fetal medicine lead, Dr Kat Harrison-Tvarozkova.

 Of all pregnancies in Somerset, 1.5 per cent are twins - and the clinic helps to support expectant mothers who are set to deliver them.

Since the clinic opened the number of emergency cesarians conducted on mothers of twins at Musgrove fell to just 9 per cent, against a national average of more than 30 per cent.

WHat's more, the number of twins now requiring care at Musgrove's neonatal unit has fallen to 11 per cent, lower than the national average of 37 per cent, allowing babies to go home with their parents faster.

The work of the clinic has been praised by the Twins Trust and received 'overwhelmingly positive' feedback from patients.