MEMBERS of a village gardening club on Exmoor will be able to pick up some expert tips on how to work with nature and manage their gardens using organic methods next week.

Lecturer Nigel Cox will be visiting the club in Wootton Courtenay Village Hall for the first time since a talk he gave in 2021.

He lectures in Bridgwater and Taunton College’s Cannington campus and also provides online specialist courses in wellbeing, permaculture, and wildlife gardening.

Club chairwoman Marion Jay said: “He has a huge breadth of practical knowledge about sustainable practices in horticulture, both in the commercial sphere and the domestic garden.

“This talk will revisit parts of the lecture Nigel gave to the gardening club back in 2021, recapping the various methods we can use to combat pests without using chemicals.

“But this time he will be broadening the subject to encompass a general wildlife-friendly approach in the garden.

“Sustainable gardening brings harmony to the garden ecosystem, increasing bird and insect populations and enhancing our lives at the same time.

“As Nigel is a teacher, he imparts knowledge in an accessible and digestible way, and his talks are full of valuable tips as well as fundamental strategies.”

There will be a question and answer session at the end of the talk, which takes place at 7.30 pm on Tuesday, September 26, and is free to club members and open to guests for £3.