SIR – John Warren writes as though he is an expert on hunt dogs (Your Letters September 18).

He obviously knows nothing about the nature of foxhounds. They are the most docile, non-aggressive animals you could wish to meet.

Children of all ages have been mingling with hounds for generations and to my knowledge they have never come to any harm.

Another mistake the animal rights brigade makes is to lump foxhunting together with bear baiting, cock fighting, badger baiting and dog fighting.

All these repulsive activities involve animals which are in a controlled situation and not in their natural environment, as foxes are.

Many people seem to hold to the belief that no wild animals should ever be killed. If their own properties were infested with rats, I am sure they would soon want these pests disposed of.

They would not, of course, use the word “killed”. Perish the thought!

Nowadays so many people are divorced from the realities of country life and rural living. Whether we like it or not, there has to be some degree of control of wild animals.

The explosion of wild boar numbers in the Forest of Dean is a typical example and controlled culling has now been introduced.

The countryside has to be managed, and I believe the best people to be allowed to do this are the landowners and farmers themselves.

Richard Morse,
