WATCHET Gardening Club brought back its traditional flower show to the town’s Memorial Ground on Sunday (July 21) for the first time in more than 35 years.

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Rachel Irven presents her trophy for the vegetable section of watchet gardening Club's show in memory of her parents Ron and Pat Wilks to Karen Coles. PHOTO: Peter Mather.
The event was staged to support a bid to restore and rebuild the football and cricket pavilion on the ground, with funders saying they wanted to see more than just sporting fixtures take place there.
Show organiser Lori Lee said: “It was a great day.

“We were lucky to have great weather for our first show and a fabulous turnout with around 200 entries of beautiful produce and crafts.
“We raised over £600 towards next year’s show.
“Well done to all the prize winners of the trophies and rosettes and a huge thank you to the volunteers who made the day very special.
“Thank you to our Mayor Loretta Whetlor for cutting our first show tape and presenting the rosettes to the winners.
“The Memorial Ground and pavilion were left to the town in memory of men who gave their lives from Watchet in the First World War.

“Without new standalone events like this we have little chance of gaining funding to keep the memorial building still fit to be used for the future.”
Ms Lee said the show was aimed at resurrecting the old tradition and the memorial ground committee intended to make it a venue for many other events in the future.
She said: “Along with the traditional competitions with local people and their children competing for trophies and rosettes there was an array of garden-related and other trade and charity stands selling their wares.”
Entertainment included Watchet Town Band playing while judging took place, while the 1st Watchet Sea Scouts raised money by selling teas and coffees.
More than 40 local businesses supported the new show by giving raffle prizes for the day.

Most of the competition trophies were given in memory of a loved one, gone but not forgotten, and the ‘Best in Show’ trophy was an original trophy from the early days.
Ms Lee said: “Many of the young children taking part in the 16 and under section were following in their great grandparents’ footsteps.
“The community of Watchet and the local area came together to make this once again a very popular yearly event.
“The road closure to Blue Anchor has affected Watchet but as a community we are doing everything we can to bring new events to our town to help Watchet thrive.”

Ms Lee thanked the event’s sponsors, including Watchet Task Force, Watchet Community Bookshop, Watchet Coastal Community Team, and CRS Building Supplies for providing much needed materials to help make it a success.
Trophy winners were:
Champion ‘Best in Show’ winning the old flower show trophy from the 1960s - Anne Tickle; Vegetable section ‘Best in Show’ Ron and Pat Wilks Cup - Karen Coles; Flower section Sandra Bradshaw Trophy - Alan Jones; Arts and crafts Stella Alexander Rosebowl – M. Alexander; Food produce Watchet Coastal Community Team Trophy - Anne Tickle; Children’s section Keith Norman Trophy - Tilly Jukes.