A 725-year-old event that can be traced back to King Edward 1 has raised more than £1,000 towards planting new woodlands in Exmoor National Park.

Amid last Saturday’s sweltering temperatures, a team from the Exmoor-based forestry business Three Atop, plus Peter Hoyland, from the Exmoor National Park centre in Dunster, took on the challenge of walking 30 miles on the Exmoor Perambulation, a historic event that takes participants around the original boundaries of the royal forest of Exmoor.

This long-distance walking and trail event was organised by Channel Events, which describes completing the route as a major achievement.

The walkers raised more than £1,000 in aid of the CareMoor for Exmoor woods and trees appeal, which helps the park authority plant more trees and create new woodlands.

Appeal donations supported last year’s planting of 13,000 trees at Bye Wood, near Winsford, and work is just starting on King’s Wood near Simonsbath, where the planting of more than 6,000 trees will start this winter.

The Three Atop team, headed by business owners Kerrie and Nick Hosegood, set out to show their customers and supporters just how strongly they felt about woodlands and the value of trees on Exmoor.

Kerrie said: “The Perambulation was one of the hardest challenges I have ever had to do.

Exmoor Perambulation walkers raising funds for CareMoor to plant more trees in the national park.
Exmoor Perambulation walkers raising funds for CareMoor to plant more trees in the national park. ( )

“It was gruelling, rough, and raw but to have the opportunity to support the future of Exmoor and immerse ourselves in those hidden places of beauty was truly worth the blisters, aches and pains.”

Mr Hoyland said: “I love walking on the wilder parts of Exmoor and have taken on the challenge of the perambulation on a number of previous occasions.

“It is a tough event but well worth the effort.” 

Channel Events supported CareMoor by offering free entry for those raising funds.

For many yearsm both Channel Events and Three Atop Woodland Services have worked closely with the park authority and are national park partners.

Dan James, the park’s rural enterprise manager, said: “We are incredibly grateful to Three Atop, Peter Hoyland, and all the sponsors.

“Support from local businesses and individuals who love Exmoor is vital to help us keep it special for future generations.”

Details of the CareMoor for Exmoor Woods and Trees appeal can be found at www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk/caremoor.