A ‘PILGRIMAGE’ through West Somerset was progressing this week as cancer survivor Diana Racotea aims to offer support for other patients while also promoting sustainable living.

Diana, aged 36, who has styled herself ‘The Village Pilgrim’, set off from Porlock Weir on Thursday (June 6) and stayed overnight in Porlock as she travelled through Hawcombe, Horner, West Luccombe, Luccombe, Allerford, Selworthy, and Bossington.

She spent Sunday morning in Dunster before heading to Carhampton and Blue Anchor.

Diana said: “In each village I engaged in many wonderful conversations with the locals.

“What I have learned so far is that people are more willing to open up and, as a community, any illness seems easier to endure.”

Diana, aged 36, who founded the ‘We Visit Villages’ project, plans to cover 25 villages.

She hopes to encourage a deeper community connection and inspire a nationwide conversation about the healing powers of the natural environment and communal support.