Doniford Army Cadets are just days away from their Great Tommy Sleep Out 2023 to support Royal British Legion industries.

On the 17th March, 17 cadets, aged 12 to 16, will be swapping their comfy beds and braving the cold for one night to try and raise money for this great cause, a spokesperson said. They added: “For more than 100 years the RBLI have helped the most vulnerable veterans. Recent global events have deeply impacted military veterans right across the nation and there has been a 45% increase in the demand for services for homeless veterans over the past year alone.

“The cost of living crisis is already having an impact and young, single, male veterans, in particular, can struggle to access social housing and many find themselves living on the streets.

“It can be impossible to secure employment without a fixed address, plunging them into worsening financial troubles and serious mental health struggles.”

So far the cadets have raised over £180 via Facebook and the Just Giving page. Kerri Debens, Doniford Detachment Commander, said: “This is a great opportunity for the cadets to practice their skills whilst raising money for The Great Tommy Sleep Out. They are all really looking forward it, although it is going to be cold!”