A local woman has won a prestigious award for her efforts helping a rural community.

Lucy Turner, from Halse, has won a Rural Community Business Award for her “outstanding work, commitment and passion” in supporting Halse’s community-owned pub and café, The New Inn, and her local community.

Lucy was one of eight UK award winners and received the Community Contribution Award recognising her role in going above and beyond to help her community and those most in need.

Held annually by the Plunkett Foundation, the Rural Community Business Awards recognise those businesses and individuals that help to create thriving and inclusive rural towns and villages.

Whether a shop, farm, bakery, woodland or pub – their services help tackle issues of isolation, loneliness, access to essential goods, provide jobs and training, help the environment and improve the wellbeing of all.

Alongside a team of volunteers, Lucy runs the café and all its activities, which includes 27 different groups regularly dropping in. She was nominated by The New Inn for her unfailing positivity and ability to relate to and support people of all ages – making them feel welcome and valued.

Lucy was presented with her award at a ceremony on Thursday, November 17, hosted by TV presenter and auctioneer Charlie Ross and by award sponsor Thakeham. She received a trophy and £250.

Community businesses are businesses that are owned and run by their community for their communities, their primary purpose is to provide vital services on which people depend, such as access to food and essential goods, cash and postal services, health-related services and social meeting spaces.

The awards celebrate the unique contributions these community businesses make creating resilient, thriving and inclusive rural communities.